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Tag: Rotary Seedbed Maker

Seedbed preparation for clay soils

There are some lucky ones for whom spring seedbed preparation is not a particular problem. It’s not a question of getting the job done in one pass; rather, finer details such as durability, ease of adjustment, or cost determine the choice of machinery. And then there are those who have difficult-to-cultivate clay soils. These high-clay-content soils demand contradictory properties in

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What do a seedbed maker and an off-road vehicle have in common?

At first glance, nothing. But we can also say that they are tools needed on a farm. You can farm without them, but sooner or later, you will likely need them. You don’t need to think too deeply about it; the analogy aims to show that there are tools that can be replaced under ideal conditions. For example, a farmer

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Supporting autumn direct seeding with a 3-row Rotary Seedbed Maker

We received an exciting task. We had to support autumn direct seeding. Of course, since we were involved, it wasn’t direct seeding anymore, but it was sensible. The area was a mix of looser and tighter sandy stubble and meadow, where soil preparation was of utmost importance. However, due to the recent drought conditions, we had to minimize soil disturbance.

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Farmer’s opinion on the BUSA FKM Rotary Seedbed Maker

In 2015, we took a Busa row-crop cultivator to Szentes for testing, where we demonstrated the advantages of the KS Rotary row-crop cultivator on a 10-hectare area. This was when Mr. Levendovics got acquainted with BUSA as a brand. Nothing proves his satisfaction better than May 2015, when 90 mm of rain fell at once. As a result, a 2-3

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Parts shortage, fertilizer price increase… how can we reduce costs?

This year has been like a roller coaster for farmers. The whims of the weather and drought were offset by rising crop prices, but during the harvest, fuel prices caused a stir. Due to disruptions in supply chains, equipment was halted because of late parts, or machines ordered for the season arrived with significant delays. And, of course, there’s the

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